Saturday, January 15, 2011

FINALLY How To Stop Rlly Mean Picos:

First:Be nice to them,if they make u loose ur temper then just go to ur room,and if they follow u to ur room and make fun of it just say,"thx" or "ty". They might get fusterated then u kik them out :)
Pls Follow!
                     Angelia Pur

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stopping Annoying People

ALOT of  ppl r annoying rite? so like the thing u needa do is..=*IGNORE THEM*= Ignoring them helps. Lemme Tell u y:If they keep talking and talking they'll get tired and stop annoying u! If this doesnt work and they start bulling and cussing at u crazy,u gotta tell them in a loud proud voice,and tell u how u feel,if it doesnt work and keep cussing,then go to ur room,if they go in and keep doing tht then kick them out. :)

How To Stop Annoying People Who Ask For Information

So u seen alot of mean picos,don't u wish to stop them once and for all? Well I can help u do tht! Its just like real life,first,if they ask for information and u don't wanna tell them,just say a fake information,they'll fall for it.